where technique meets creativity

"Straight hair is not only straight hair...
Curly hair is not only curly hair..."

CURLSYS®haircutting technique is not just for CUTTING CURLS!!!
CURLSYS® is a comprehensive haircutting Technology to create Dynamic Curls-Volumn & Movement  

CURLSYS® is the registerred trade name of the revolutionary haircutting system for curly hair registered and patented by Brian McLean.

Curls have different variations from afro - to light movement in the hair. The revolutionary McLean  CURLSYS® curl cutting technique provides variations for all types of looks.
Besides techniques for curly hair,  CURLSYS®  technology offers also opportunities for straight hair giving hair more movement, volume and directional swing.

The benefits for the customer

  • The perfect answer for all clients with Natural Curly Hair
  • Creates strong or soft Curls with definition
  • Doubles the Volume without slicing , maintaining the hairs natural quality
  • Creates directional swing and movement even in straight Hair
  • Creates spring and vitality in all tired movement
  • Gives permantly waved hair a new life, and a natural look

Click here for more information about the  CURLSYS® technique and  SEMINARS.